Sunday, February 14, 2010

Friday evening

Corey, you would be so proud of me. Typically when I make up my own recipes, I mess them up beyond belief…usually just because I add cheese unnecessarily. But cheese always makes things good right? Well it doesn’t. and I didn’t do that this time. The interns started making fun of me for eating cheese and crackers and cereal for every meal…but that was all I bought at my first overwhelming trip to the grocery store. It was the only thing I recognized and trusted. I got some inspiration from Edgar who bought some tomato basil pesto, so I made pasta with basil pesto, tofu and broccoli…and it tasted delicious. I definitely needed to get some vegetables to make sure I don’t get sick. When I went to the grocery store I ended up buying more than I could carry, so the bag boy offered to walk my groceries home for me. It was great! And he was very nice.

I cook on a balcony type thing outside, what is known here as a dirty the case I would hire a cook, but anyways I cook out there and this was the view to the left as I looked out my apartment tonight:

Things are starting to come together…I signed up for my internet today since I finally got my visa yesterday, and my heater was installed this morning…there was some waiting involved, but because I expected it, it really was fine. I just brought some work home with me to do while I waited. When I signed up for internet they said they will install it within the next 5-7 business days, and then they gave me a phone number in case they never came at all. Apparently that can be common here. I was very impressed with the heater guy from handyman since he was on time, since when I scheduled the time for him to come, the person just looked at me and smiled…didn’t write anything down, just kept smiling and nodding.

I’m going to see the Valentine’s Day movie tonight. I don’t know why I love torturing myself since I will probably feel all sappy and sad cause Corey is not here, but I am happy it is the weekend and I will have some time to get my life in order. There is a bridal show at the mega mall, so maybe I’ll go explore that a little bit. Still waiting to hear how I’m saving the world this week? I guess that is yet to come once I’m all settled in. J