I was already on a little bit of emotional overload this week, though. I think sometimes when your brain is continually fed with anything (for me currently...issues of sex trafficking) sometimes it just gets too overwhelming to handle and I found myself having to "check out" sometimes, otherwise I knew I would awkwardly start uncontrollably sobbing which I'm sure this foundation dinner wasn't the time or the place. The women were so bright and just seemed to shine as they spoke of how badly they wanted to help others from not making the mistakes they had made and of the hope they had found through their new spiritual journey.
Manila Moment: So our fabulous IJM driver was late picking us up from the event because he had been in a minor accident. We were asking what people usually do when there is an accident here, as it does not seem like people typically call the police to come over, write a ticket, then call their insurance agency to deal with the finances. Mike told us that the other day his taxi driver was talking about a time a jeepney had run into the taxi causing some damage. The jeepney driver got out and said that he could either give the taxi driver some pesos, or the taxi driver could punch him in face as hard as he could....and the taxi driver chose to punch the jeepney driver in the face as hard as he could. Aparently the taxi driver punched him so hard, he went flying onto the ground, and that was it. That settled it. They called it even.
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