IJM celebrated another bar closure today. I tried to go with the team to witness the fantastic sign being posted, however I had to leave halfway through to attend a meeting at Samaritana. Fortunately, I was promised at least 2 more closures before the year was over (that's IJM's goal at least...) so I can attend those.
The meeting with Samaritana was very encouraging. We are working with them on implementing livelihood projects for our clients in order to prevent retrafficking, and to get more clients involved in their very holistic program. Their clients are currently working on cards soon to be sold online at http://www.sanctuaryspring.com/. It's this awesome fair trade project where the women make cards and when they are finished, they sign a pseudonym on the back that the buyer of the card can then look up online to learn about their story. The cards are very cute, and Jimmy...the founder of Good Paper is an incredible guy really hoping to help people around the world.
On my adventure back to the office, I had to ride in a trike....in a business skirt....from Samaritana back out to the main highway where I could catch a cab. Cute, huh? ...yeah not much.
Ziwei (my friend and contact over at Samaritana) helped me to catch a cab. She spoke to the driver in Tagalog to try to make sure he wouldn't rip me off and get me back to the office safely. As soon as he pulled away and Ziwei left, he turned the meter off, turned around, and asked me how much I would pay him since the meter was broken. I, at first calmly, told him that his meter was not broken and that I would pay the meter price to get back to the office. He kept pressing all the buttons on his meter, except the one to reset, to try and prove the meter was broken, but I leaned over and pressed the reset button to show him that his meter was in fact, not broken by any means. Now sometimes I can deal with these things, and just brush it off, but today was one of those days it just really irritated me. I think it was mostly because once I got out of the cab and he drove off, I realized I was standing in front of some sort of jeepney stop/squatter community/possible slum type area....dressed in business attire. Fortunately I was able to get another cab to take me back....and tipped him a lot for being an honest man. But ugh....it just made me so mad.
I was encouraged back at the office because I was able to help one of our clients with her resume, and give her some helpful tips in getting a job. Josie, my supervisor, loved the idea of me holding a training for several of our clients one day in the office, and helping them in their career path. All you CED people...get ready for me to harass you again for more resources.
I would like to give a huge shout out to Megan Smell and Amanda Giordano for blessing me with the gift of my first Reese's cup extravaganza since I left. I had not had one in 3 months....and have eaten way more than I care to admit over this past week. I must say it was a glorious day to receive a package (full of many other wonderful things). It's seriously like Christmas. Thanks so much. I know it's insanely expensive to do that.....and totally unnecessary. But I really appreciate it.
Hi Megan!!
OK, I figure since you name-dropped my fiancee, I'd out myself. Ashley B. posted your site on Facebook not too long ago and I added it to my Google Reader. Glad to hear you're still making a difference out there! I'll let Megan know how much you enjoyed the care package!
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