Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 22

This past Friday we were invited to visit Samaritana for an event: Samaritana's Got Talent.  From what we hear, over the past year the volunteers have noticed the creative talent in both the staff and clients in this organization, so they decided to put on a talent show to celebrate these gifts.  We could tell from the performances that the women used music as a therapeutic tool to articulate what they have and are still going through in their lives.  There was some powerful expressions and incredible talent displayed, we were sad to leave...and even more sad since it was monsooning outside and ridiculously "traffic."  (Translation - there was a lot of traffic on the way home.  Yes...its normal for traffic to be used in a sentence that way here. Aaand it's kind of fun to say it that way.  Feel free to correct me of these things when I get home and say them like they're normal in the U.S.)    

Daria and I have found that shopping at Samaritana is one of our favorite things to do in Manila, and it doesn't happen that often since it is so far away (which is probably a good thing for my bank account.)  Their livelihood room is filled with intricately made cards, magnets, jewelry, and paper.  It feels so good to purchase such beautifully crafted gifts from an organization that you know helps women in such immense ways.  Get excited, many of you back home will be on the receiving end of whatever I have purchased from here. :)