Saturday was fabulous. I went with the Hope, Leah, and Ziwei to high tea...which I kept calling high noon because I had never heard of it before...and had no idea drinking tea was a well known established activity. I just thought it was called "let's go drink some tea and be classy" when you wanted to drink tea with someone. Afterwards we visited a hotel where they had a bridal fashion show with the famous Manila fashion designers. I had a hard time refraining from squealing a lot, as is what is natural for me during these kinds of situations. I think I kept it under control. I think.

Random Thoughts to share -
Weirdest whitening products I’ve seen so far:
Whitening sunscreen…don’t you get darker being in the sun? I’ve never heard of people being able to get whiter.
And whitening deodorant. This dove commercial claims shaving causes damage leading to skin darkening, so you need to buy their whitening deodorant. Ridiculous. I wonder what kind of ridiculous tanning products I’ve bought in the past...
Confession: I ran out of face powder and went to The Body Shop hoping they would have a color that would work for me. When I sampled any of the colors darker than the whitest of whites in the store, the clerk would show me how the white white color fit me the most. And she convinved me of this....and I bought the lightest color they had....and now when I put on my makeup I look either sick or dead.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I love Joakim Noah (Thanks Mike for sharing this)
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