We woke up insanely early this morning with the hopes of being able to catch the sunrise from the highest point. It was way too foggy to see the sun, however we still hiked up to the highest point, took eleventy thousand pictures, then hiked down to the waterfall. The waterfall was gorgeous and we got to go swimming in the bottom area. Rocks were falling into the water as we swam, which was a little disturbing, but not enough to make me not want to get in the water. It was so cool and refreshing. When we got back to the hotel, I was so sore I would moan as I sat down and stood up. It was a hideous sight.
When we first arrived at the hotel yesterday, we were making fun of some of the hotel staff for wearing t-shirts that said "I survived Batad." It was so cheesy and touristy, and didn't really seem to fit the tranquil atmosphere of this place. After the first strenuous hike, we realized how much we really wanted one of those cheesy things. So we bought the tank top style tishrts (the ugliest one possible) with a serene picture of the rice terraces saying "I survived Batad", and took the most obnoxious picture we could think of while wearing them.
After we packed up our things, we met Simon the owner of the hotel and restaurant we had been staying at. He was selling handmade knives which were just beautiful. I was asking him about how the knives were made and he said they were made from the good metal of a jeepney. There was a hole in the handle and when I asked him what that was for, he told me that when I am hiking in the woods and need to catch a monkey, I can place a stick in the handle of knife to make it longer, cut off the branch the monkey is sitting on, then stab the monkey. He used a lot of hand motions when describing all this to me. I bought a knife immediately. You know, in case I need to get a monkey.

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