We arrived in Banaue super early in the morning to transfer all of our stuff onto a Jeepney. The Jeepney took us into Batad...I think maybe the ride was 1-2 hours, but the view was gorgeous. Once we arrived in Batad, we had to carry our bags on a 45min-1 hour hike to find our hotel...or more so...a place to stay. I'm not sure I would call it a hotel. On the hike, Edgar asked someone "what's the most remote place you've ever been?" For me, the answer now is Batad. I had heard of the rice terraces before because Leah had said it's the one thing she wants to see before she leaves. I didn't really understand why...then I heard rumors that the rice terraces were in the running or at least really wanted to be considered the 8th wonder of the world, and now I understand why. It's just gorgeous,and absolutely amazing to see in person. After we got settled into our "hotel", we hiked down to the swinging bridge not realizing when we were hiking down that it meant we had to hike all the way back up. I think it would have been much easier if each stair wasn't so big that I was doing one lunge after another. It was the most perfect workout because I couldn't give up. If I gave up, I couldn't get home. It was funny because as I was dying, dripping of sweat, and red faced, our guide casually turns around everyone once in a while to ask if we needed a break. I wanted to be like "look at me, of course I need a break." It gave me so much respect for the people living there. This "hike" is their livelihood. That's how they survive.
I wore flip flips on this hike because I thought we were going to the waterfall (which we didn't end up doing that day), but humble pie was eaten once again today. There was a portion of the trek down to the bridge where we had to walk on top of rocks surrounded by muddy rice terraces. Hope had just fallen in while saying "this ain't my first rodeo" so Leah said she was going to film me as I walked across, feeling confident I would fall in. Proving her wrong, I walked accross most of the way beautifully. I even started prancing near the end, as my confidence grew with every successful step. As I reached the end....I lost balance and fell in. and it's all on camera. Humble pie tastes sooo good.
There was a restaurant inside (well outside...but attached to) the hotel. We noticed the server would ask for our names then write identifying descriptors so she can know who to serve when the food comes out. Hope was "cute lady", Lauren was "white girl in white shirt" and I was none other than "rosy cheeks." I've never been able to get away from that.
After dinner, I was excited about showering. At this hotel, you had to pay for boiling water. So we paid 30 pesos to get a bucket of boiling water, we would fill it up with colder water, and then use a bucket to pour over our heads to "shower with hot water." Did I mention this hotel cost less than $5 to stay at? This was the nicest place we could find in Batad. and it really was just incredible...simply by the view that surrounded us.
I had to sleep that night with a sheet over my head because moths kept flying around my face and I would irrationally squeal and run all over the place...disturbing the other ladies the moths weren't attacking.
Beautiful!! I'm so happy you can experience the beauty of the country and not just the sadder side. I miss you!!
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