Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26

This morning the day finally came for us to do the Skype interaction with one of IJM's STAR clients.  Gary Haugen, president and CEO of IJM, is teaching a law school class at the University of Chicago Law School on fixing broken public justice systems, and wanted to have a question and answer time for his class so they can put a face with all the experiences he will be describing in class.  I had mentioned this before, the client and I came up with a script of questions she is prepared to answer, just to make sure she is comfortable and ready to answer some of these very personal questions about her life and what she's been through.  This client is a light when you meet her...she really glows with joy and gratitude for her new found hope and strength, so I've been so touched to have been able to work with her.  
Anyways, his class is at 4:00pm in Chicago, meaning 5:00am our time.  So we set up the Skype interaction (after several reschedules) for Monday at 5:00am....meaning we would get here at 4:00am for a practice run.  So I woke up at 3:30am (thank goodness I am so fortunate to live so close to the office) and walked over in the dark with my can of mace given to me at training week.  I have yet to use it, but I must admit I feel much safer holding my finger on the trigger when I walk around in the dark.  On my way to the office, mace in hand, I saw a dead cat in the middle of the road.  I was so sad and it was so close to me I was a little grossed out.  As I looked closer I started wondering why it's tail had been shaved off until I realized I was looking at the largest dead rat (or alive rat for that matter) I have ever seen in my life.  It was amazing and terrifying all at the same time.  I'm not sure what I would have done if it was alive, but I squealed a little before quickly walking off.  The squealing didn't help with the "draw no attention to myself at 4am" plan.  However I got to the office safely. 

After waiting about 30 minutes for our practice call, we started getting a little antsy since no one had called us yet.  I emailed HQ just to let them know we were ready for them, only to get the email in return stating it was Sunday evening for them, not Monday (right....the time difference). So we came at 4am on the wrong day.  It was no one’s fault by any means, but I’m surprised no one caught that, though.  I think we all felt a little silly.  I asked the client what she wanted to do. I offered to record me asking her the questions with her responses, and then we could e-mail the class, and she said "but then they won't have an opportunity to ask me any questions."  She knew this was important, so we will be back tomorrow bright and early for round 2.


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