Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9

This is how I know I am getting more acculturated...more assimilated...more acclimated...what's the word to use here? I ate crazy looking fish all weekend...and never took a picture with my own camera.  Fortunately Daria, the new communications intern, did....so I thought I would post some of the delicious food (I promise I'm not being sarcastic) I got to eat this weekend...if anything so Amy can see it cause I know it grosses her out and that entertains me. :)

This is Tilapia. 
...Looks much different when it is served in the U.S., right?  This is a straight up....fish out of the water, that has been cooked.

This is boneless bangus (with my tilapia in the background)...otherwise known as milkfish and is officially my favorite thing to eat here. Seriously.

Something a little more fun and appealing....here you drink buko straight out of the shell, then they slice it open so you can scoop out the coconut on the inside.  It's refreshing. :)

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