Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thursday morning, February 18, 2010

I've struck gold. I've discovered mango and it's amaaaazing. I kept having it in desserts here, but a lot of people have said they don't really like the fruit by itself so I haven't tried it. But I had another dessert with it last night (mango, cocounut milk and sticky rice....yumm) and decided to buy the fruit. I felt like Tom Hanks on Castaway after he hadn't eaten anything for days (keep in mind I had just had dinner), and when he discovered coconut he just devoured it. Which is what I did with the mango...right after a heavy dinner with lots of rice. I guess that can take the place of my craving for pomegranates.

They were doing maintanence on the elevators yesterday, which there are only 2 in the building, so when they were working on one elevator, the other was the only one available for all 36 floors of people. Waiting for the elevator took like 30 minutes, and then when I finally got on (packed to capacity), I felt like I was in the movie Elf (i'm in lots of movies yesterday aparently) because the buttons were pressed for every floor in the building (like a christmas tree!). I'm learning to be patient allll the time here.

I was supposed to go to a hearing today which I was very excited about, so I woke up at 5:30am to be here early, only to find out once I got here that I couldn't go for security purposes. I guess it's good to be safe and everything blah blah blah but I really wanted to go. patience....once again. go with the being in a movie theme...I would say this experience is like....well I can't really think of one so let's just say I'm in a Disney Princess movie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Totally Disney Princess - I can so picture you in a courtroom. Legally Blonde maybe?
Love you!