Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wednesday, February 17

Confession: I just googled what NGO stands for.

Don't judge me.

Hope, Mike and I met up with some ex-pats from China for dinner last night (Hope knew one of the guys from college), and we ate ox tongue, pig belly, and some other fun things. We also found out that this gooey stuff we ate at the wedding this weekend was probably jellyfish....mom would you have believed I would be eating these things after years of making me peanut butter and jelly for lunch every day at school?

* Mouse update: when I told one of my coworkers about the mice that went running through my cubicle, she said she often sees them walking around the flourescent lights above us. I looked up today to see the light above me, and a huge hole at one end of the light. A mouse is definitely going to fall on my sometime this year....

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